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About Me



More Poems

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Why I write

I never considered myself a “poet” I was never good at writing papers or things of that sort, back in 2000 I wrote a poem describing a man I was involved with at the time and it came out good. Recently, I took up writing once again and I have come to realize that I have a lot to say about different topics but my favorite is LOVE.


My inspiration comes from mostly experiences I’ve had in relationships with friends, family love and life in general. I don’t write what’s appealing to others I write what I feel in my heart and soul. You would be surprised at how many of us have a lot to write about, everyday life is enough but maybe you just fell in love, had a child, gotten married or experienced tragedy and loss.


As you look at my collection of poems you might notice a recurring theme in them. My current relationship is my inspiration for writing everything I feel down on paper. Therefore this site is dedicated to K.J.M. my love.

I am a junior majoring in Education at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, writing, music (old skool and neo soul –that’s where the passion is), movies, walking, traveling and using my intermediate computer skills to create web pages and things of that sort.
